Faith & Hope
April 17, 2021Censorship & Sanctity
April 20, 2021“Angry people are scared people; because their anger is a cover-up for their personal-weaknesses & inner-deficiencies.”
Anger is often a secondary emotion to other negative-emotions such as uncertainty, lack of control and fear; hence why Theory of Self-Relativity categorizes “Lack of Control & Uncertainty” as one of its 10-Enemies of self-improvement. When we lack control over our decisions and outcomes and when we remain “Dependent & Reliant” on others (which is another one of the 10-Enemies) we become frustrated, helpless and fearful; and to cover-up these weaknesses, we erupt in anger and rage as a means of coping with our weaknesses.
In order to minimize anger, we must minimize our fear and uncertainties, and the way to do so is by having “Control & Certainty” in our lives; this is why “Control & Certainty” is one of the 10-Commandments for self-improvement.
Therefore, to truly self-improve, we must bring the focus onto our Self and begin to change from the inside-out.