Matter of Matter

Life is not mysterious, mythical or magical because all the underlying laws-of-physics that govern our lives are known.

We are made of cells, molecules and at the most fundamental level, we are made of atoms. Atoms are the fundamental particles and building blocks of all matter in The-Universe. Everything is made of atoms and all atoms are made of same subatomic structures therefore all atoms regardless of the structure that they occupy are the same. The atoms in our brain are similar to the atoms in a rock on Mars or the atoms in bacteria in our gut. Since all matter is made of atoms and all atoms in all matter are the same; therefore, all atoms abide by the same laws of physics that govern their interactions.

For something to exist it must be made of matter which means it must be made of atoms. Therefore, for us to discover, to know, and to observe something; that thing must be made of atoms which means it must be matter-based. If something is not made of matter but could be detected or experienced for example, consciousness, thoughts, fire, and the wind; then that “thing” is simply a process that is the immaterial-byproduct of the functions of its underlying matter which means all processes have underlying matter-based causes.

Since science and physics have proven that everything that exists is a result of the coming together or the interactions of fundamental particles of atoms; therefore, everything could be explained by an underlying matter-based cause. Hence, this scientific fact disallows the existence of immaterial-things such as personal or mental energy, auras, chakras, spirits, ghosts, souls, and other supernatural, metaphysical, or pseudoscientific entities. Theory of Self-Relativity makes a clear distinction between “immaterial-things” and what it has termed as “immaterial-byproducts”. An immaterial-thing is something that is not matter-based and could exists on its own however, an immaterial-byproduct is an immaterial-process that emerges or arises as a result of an underlying material-cause. Although immaterial-byproducts could be invisible and have no shape, weight, or any other physical or material characteristics; immaterial-byproducts are not capable of existing independently. Therefore, immaterial-byproducts are not the same as immaterial-things because no immaterial-thing could ever exist.

Immaterial-byproducts only exist as emerging states of the functions of their underlying material-entities.

Although many things are still unanswered, not knowing the answer does not mean the gap of knowledge must be filled with imaginary supernatural causes or immaterial-things. Immaterial, metaphysical, or supernatural “things” cannot exist in The-Universe because they cannot follow nor adhere to the laws-of-physics that govern the material or matter-based Universe. Spirits, personal or mental energy, souls, ghosts, chakras, or any form of supernaturalism have never been able to factually describe our relativities to The-Universe. For anything supernatural to exist, this means the supernatural thing or phenomenon would have to violate the natural laws-of-physics. The reason why there has never been any proof of the supernatural is because the laws-of-physics would not allow that. If and when any supernatural or spiritual entity is factually proven to exist; the claimed supernatural thing or phenomenon will automatically become natural because it would have to interact with matter for us to know of its existence. In other words, they could be explained factually and with evidence. Since the supernatural or immaterial-things are claimed to not be made of matter; therefore, these immaterial-things even if they existed, could not interact with the material Universe. This means even if supernatural or metaphysical things existed, we would not be able to know about them because they would not be able to interact with matter for us to detect, observe, or measure them.

In order for us to know about something, that something must be able to interact with matter.

The reason why humans have ideas, thoughts, and beliefs on supernaturalism and immaterial-existences is that such mental states are developed as thoughts and thoughts can either be based on observation or they can be based on imagination, or even hallucination. Ideas, thoughts, and beliefs are proven by experiments and fact-finding. If after a long period of time, supportive facts cannot be found for an idea, a thought, or a belief; that idea, thought or belief is most probably incorrect or at the minimum unproven. The only reason why baseless thoughts and beliefs persist for generations and even for millennia is because these mental states are comforting and they enable us to avoid pain and to feel good therefore we choose to continue believing and holding onto these thoughts and beliefs without seeking for supportive facts and evidence. For example, ideologies such as dualism which believe in a person having a material body and an immaterial mind or soul are simply carried forward traditions emanating from the imaginations of ancient people who didn’t properly understand science and the physical Universe. Because it was not understood that consciousness is an immaterial-byproduct process that arises as a result of the activities of our physical or material-brain; and because it is difficult to distinguish what is missing from a dead person versus a live person; many imagined the existence of something immaterial that is running our material-body. This is why the only way that we can realistically understand our connection to The-Universe is by understanding how “we” as material-entities function, relate to and abide by the laws-of-physics.

Theory of Self-Relativity is founded upon the principle of factual-thinking. Factual-thinking is based on facts and facts abide by the natural laws-of-physics which govern The-Universe. When we learn to control our mind to always seek evidence for every thought that we have; we will then base our thinking and our existence on facts and evidence rather than basing it on imaginary “feel-good” traditions and beliefs that are carried forward. Even change, which is the core requirement for self-improvement occurs because of the laws-of-physics therefore, we as individuals have no choice but to change. As stated throughout Theory of Self-Relativity, change is an ongoing-process and change happens and will continue to happen in The-Universe regardless of how we feel; therefore:

Change; or you’ll be changed.

Since all the laws-of-physics that govern our existence and interactions with everything and everyone else are known; there are no new particles, fields, or forces that could be discovered at the fundamental level that would change our understanding of the interactions of atoms. The reason why all the particles, fields, and forces that affect atoms which would affect our existence are known is because even if any new particles could’ve been discovered, we would’ve been able to make these particles in particle accelerators by smashing protons together. To take this an even step further, even if new particles, fields, and forces are to be discovered; these particles, fields, or forces would not have any effect on our existence because they would either be too weak to interact with matter, they would be too unstable for them to exist long enough to interact with matter or they would be too heavy to produce.

Conclusive-fact; all particles, fields, and forces that could interact with our matter and affect our everyday lives as humans have been identified through physics and quantum-mechanics and there are no mysteries left.

Since science has advanced our understanding of how nature operates; we should use this knowledge to understand our mortality and this rare and almost improbable gift of life that we have been born into. We should abstain from living our lives based on imaginary manmade feel-good thoughts and beliefs such as the afterlife and we should put ourselves on the path of living our lives based on how reality is, not how we want reality to be.

The truth is often dislikable and uncomfortable however the sign of a truly transformed and improved person is to deal with the truth and reality as it is rather than dealing with it as one wants it to be. To deal with reality as we want it to be is the hallmark of self-deception which steals valuable lifetime and wastes our lifetime in living our lives with an imaginary, manmade and false concept such as the afterlife. In the same manner that science has proven our material-existence; same laws-of-physics that govern our existence have also proven that there could be no afterlife and all that exists for each of us is what exists during the time that we are alive. Even though it feels good and hopeful to believe that there is an afterlife, the only self-certainty that exists is that we are alive now and that we will die sometime in the future.

The question is do we just want to be alive or do we want to live life?