February 5, 2022Toxic-Sympathy
April 9, 2022“Most people don’t debate to learn the truth; most people argue to not be wrong.”
Many consider being proven wrong means being stupid, being attacked, and in extreme cases of self-doubt, as being worthless and bad. Hence many will fight tooth and nail to stand their ground in order to prevent and avoid being corrected or being proven wrong. This inability to have introspective ability to recognize one’s shortcomings so that these weaknesses could be corrected, is one of the main reasons for people’s defensiveness, personal arguments, fights and even hatred.
Hence why Theory of Self-Relativity persist on two conditions for living a high-quality life, not only of our own self, but in interactions with others; and these two conditions are to remain “unbiased and adaptable.” Remaining unbiased and adaptable allows us to evaluate things, people, and our interactions with them in a fair and nonjudgmental manner; and to be able to remain fair, nonjudgmental and non-defensive, we must learn to evaluate everything, everyone, and every interaction based on the facts dictating our relativity with that thing, that person, and the interaction.
When we deal with facts, we will be open to learning and we can live with the understanding that:
“Disagreements are good for learning; debate to learn, don’t debate to not be wrong.”