Purpose, Goals & Dreams
August 17, 2024Goals, Objectives & Expectations
August 24, 2024“Claims of Strength are a means of justifying weakness.”
If one is confident and secure about one’s Self and position in life, one wouldn’t need to go around telling others how strong, resilient, and great one is. Confident people know of their strengths and their weaknesses; therefore, they don’t need to get validation by constantly proving themselves to their own Self or to others.
One’s character will be obvious to others from one’s thinking and behavior; hence, constant justification will not be necessary. If others can’t recognize one’s strengths it is because either others are ignorant or jealous, or because the person is not demonstrating the strengths that he/she believes to have. As stated in Theory of Self-Relativity:
“Improve your Self from within so that others’ opinions are not superior to your truths.”