March 22, 2021Self-Focus
March 23, 2021“It takes ignorance to not recognize the difference between confidence and arrogance.”
Egotistical people who are often insecure deep within try to portray arrogance as a sign of confidence. True confidence is not simply a portrayal of a characteristic; true confidence is the byproduct of internal change and improvement.
Confident people don’t care about how they portray themselves because their external-image is simply a reflection of their internal-strength. However, arrogant and egotistical people are focused on how they portray themselves because the stronger the portrayal the bigger the cover-up for their internal-weaknesses.
Confident people are open to learning because learning strengthens their confidence however, egotists are not open to learn because they portray they know everything and to them learning or being corrected would be perceived as the exposure of their weak and fragile inner-self.
Hence the reason why arrogant people are often ignorant of their own arrogance and why they incorrectly project and consider someone’s else’s confidence as arrogance.