Skepticism vs Cynicism
May 1, 2022Facts vs Feelings
May 25, 2022“When we feel rejected, we don’t actually lose anything; we simply don’t gain what we were looking for.”
Feeling rejected is similar to being offended; because rejection is felt as a result of some kind of internal-deficiency or weakness that is brought out onto our consciousness due to our interaction with others. Rejection is commonly triggered as a result of lack of interest or as a result of exclusion in interpersonal-relationships or in social settings. According to Theory of Self-Relativity, rejection is a self-deficiency feeling that we feel when we seek external-validation. Despite rejection being a strong negative personal-feeling, rejection is actually subjective.
Therefore, our reactions to rejection are subjective and relative to our own weaknesses and insecurities. Since feeling rejected is a subjective and personal-feeling; the anticipation or the potential of being rejected is what prevents us from trying new things and taking actions that could in fact be constructive and improving.
The main problem and the debilitating consequence associated with rejection is not the actual event of being or feelings rejected; but it is the “fear-of-rejection.” Therefore, it is because of the fear-of-rejection that rejection is not a deductive event, but it prevents improvement. Although being or feeling rejected feels like we lost something; rejection itself does not cause us to lose anything, rejection simply prevents us from gaining something.