Modern Tribalism
September 17, 2024Children & Animals
September 24, 2024“Routines create efficiency, rituals create comfort-zones.”
As discussed in Theory of Self-Relativity, humans create routines, habits, and even rituals because routines, habits, and rituals create familiarity and comfort-zones by minimizing variables and diversities. Although routines are important in creating discipline and efficiency; nonconscious-routines are often created and implemented by our mind in order to keep us safe. Routines that are based on analytical-thinking and which streamline repetitive tasks into efficiency are commonly used to create and increase efficiency, and even discipline. However, when routines are implemented nonconsciously or when routines are based on nonfactual-thoughts, beliefs, or traditions; such routines often turn into bad-habits and rituals.
When routines turn into rituals, that is when we have a higher possibility of creating and adopting bad-habits. We engage in habits because habits are repetitive; however, when habits limit our progress or continuously cause us to make mistakes, such habits are bad-habits.
As further stated in Self-Relativity:
“Mistakes are something we can improve; bad-habits are mistakes we repeat.”