April 7, 2021Ignorance
April 8, 2021“Do unto others as you do unto your Self.“
When we learn to pay attention to and prioritize our Self before others, we will then be able to have a much better ability to perspective-taking others.
When we pay attention to, prioritize and become aware of our own Self, we can then become more aware of others and understand much better how to interact with them.
To truly become an empathetic and compassionate person, we must first learn to have empathy and compassion for our own Self. Although the bible states “do unto other as you would have them do unto you”, Theory of Self-Relativity considers this statement just like many other social and traditional teachings to be too focused onto others.
According to Theory of Self-Relativity, to truly be empathetic and compassionate towards others:
“Do unto others as you do unto your Self.“