Dreams & Reality
March 8, 2024
Good Advice
March 11, 2024It’s “Self-Improvement” NOT “Others-Improvement”
In a world where we are more and more being guilt-riddenly taught and condoned to be excessively kind to others, to do more for others, and to prioritize others over our own “Self”; we are becoming more and more externally focused as a way of life. While we live in societies and in human groups, and being altruistic not only feels good but is a means of creating safety and security for our individual Self in the group; being overly concerned about others is not only not altruistic but it is a means of creating selflessness and lack of self-worth. Because:
- If we are not strong, we can not be of strength to others.
- If we are not healthy, we cannot be of value to others.
- If we are not financially comfortable, we won’t have the ability to do for others.
- If we are dead, we are of no use to others.
This is why Theory of Self-Relativity designates “Self” as the most important word ever, because our “Self” is the central core entity that is relative to everything and everyone else that we deal with during our lifetime. Hence why self-improvement must have priority over how we can be good to others.
If you can’t be good to your own self, you won’t know how to truly be good to others.