“When we become too grateful, we shift our focus from growth to preservation.” Gratitude is culturally and socially promoted as a necessary positive mindset. While it […]
“Ambiguity and confusion without resolution is how motivational and self-help programs keep you hooked endlessly.” Majority of motivational, self-help, and even therapy and other coaching programs […]
“You don’t need to remind others to remember you.” This is why Theory of Self-Relativity designates “Complementary, not Completing” as one of the 10-Commandments for self-improvement. […]
“Conditions come with consequences.” Although not categorized as one of Theory of Self-Relativity’s 10-Enemies of Self-Improvement; conditionality, which is closely associated with validation and acceptance, is a constraint […]
“Make your life’s purpose bigger, so your life’s meaning becomes richer.” While setting goals and dreams are important forward looking guidelines to progress and success; many, […]
“Hatred and revenge is when others are more important than you.” According to Theory of Self-Relativity, hatred and the need for vengeance, or to actually commit […]
“Micromanagement projects insecurity.” Be it on a personal level or as a collective for a team or an organization, attention to detail is important to properly […]
“Discommunication: The punitive act of discontinuing communication with someone in order to signal disapproval and to maintain control.” Discommunication is a term coined by “Theory of […]