Self-Relativity teaches you “how” to think, not “what” to think; so that after the initial learning-curve you become your own coach, and you go on teaching […]
“Patience is a byproduct of self-confidence, because self-confident people do not have the urgency to quickly feel better.” Simply waiting for favorable things to happen on […]
It’s “Self-Improvement” NOT “Others-Improvement” In a world where we are more and more being guilt-riddenly taught and condoned to be excessively kind to others, to do […]
Your dreams don’t have to be imaginary; your dreams can become your purpose in life. As discussed in Theory of Self-Relativity, purpose and meaning are not […]
Virtue-signaling is selfish; it is intended to signal goodness, not caring for others. As discussed in “Theory of Self-Relativity” ideologies are limiting as they are formed […]
“All humans feel joy and happiness, and sorrow and sadness, similarly.” According to Theory of Self-Relativity, the “value” of human life and human emotions should not be […]